1B-LSD Review


Psychedelic substances have existed for thousands of years, but modern science continues to create new compounds that attract those seeking to explore altered states of consciousness. One such compound is 1B-LSD, a relatively new psychedelic gaining traction among psychonauts. In this article, we dive into the world of 1B-LSD, exploring its history, dosage, administration methods, effects, and potential side effects.

General Information on 1B-LSD

We’ll start this research chemical review with general information about this drug. 1B-LSD, or 1-butanoyl-lysergic acid diethylamide, is a synthetic psychedelic substance in the lysergamide family. It’s chemically similar to LSD but with a slightly modified structure. This compound has been developed as an alternative to traditional LSD and has gained a reputation for its unique and distinct effects.

While 1B-LSD is still relatively new, it has already generated a strong following among psychonauts. Many users appreciate its reportedly milder and more manageable effects compared to traditional LSD, making it an appealing choice for those looking to dip their toes into the world of psychedelics.

History of 1B-LSD

The history of the 1B-LSD research chemical is relatively brief. In August 2016, it first showed up in the online research chemical market. Its origin remains a mystery since we don’t have academic literature before its appearance in the research chemical market. However, there was a 1988 DEA report predicting the potential use of 1-alkylated lysergamide derivatives as a method to get around controlled substance laws prohibiting LSD. And that’s exactly what occurred with 1B-LSD, so it seems this prediction was accurate.

In many countries, the 1B-LSD research chemical is still in a legal grey area, sought out by individuals looking for legal highs. Some countries have scheduled the drug as a controlled substance. Those include Germany, Japan, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. In the United States and Austria, it’s not technically illegal, but users or distributors may still be prosecuted. So, for any users seeking legal drugs, please ensure that you check local laws and regulations.

Dosage and Administration

The dosage and administration of 1B-LSD vary depending on the desired intensity of the experience and the individual’s preferences. The most common administration methods include oral ingestion, nasal insufflation, vaporization, and suppository. Note that dosage units for this drug are measured in micrograms, not milligrams. Typically, doses range from 15 to 300 µg.

Oral Administration

One method of taking 1B-LSD is through oral ingestion, typically as a blotter paper or liquid solution. A standard starting dose ranges from 50 to 100 micrograms, although more experienced users may opt for higher doses.

Nasal Insufflation

Users can also insufflate or snort the 1B-LSD research chemical, but this method is less common. Users report a faster onset of effects with this method, which may lead to increased side effects and shorter duration.


Another method of administration is vaporization, where 1B-LSD is heated and inhaled as a vapor. This method is also less common and requires a more precise dosage due to the rapid onset of effects. Users should exercise caution when vaporizing 1B-LSD, as it can be challenging to control the intensity.


Redosing with 1B-LSD isn’t generally recommended, as it increases the risk of adverse side effects and diminishes the overall experience. Users should wait at least several days or weeks between trips to allow for proper integration and reflection.

User 1B-LSD Reviews

1B-LSD users often report a variety of effects, including changes in perception, visuals, and emotions. Note that any online user 1B-LSD review is subjective, so they may not predict the experience of other individuals.

Onset of Effects

The onset of effects typically occurs within 20 to 60 minutes after ingestion, depending on the method of administration.

Visual Alteration

According to user reviews, one notable effect of 1B-LSD is visual alteration. Users describe seeing vivid colors, intricate patterns, and geometric shapes. These are mesmerizing, stimulating, and awe-inspiring. They may look like enhancements to the user’s existing environment or as completely new experiences from the mind’s eye. The intensity of these visual alterations varies depending on the dose. The 1B-LSD research chemical may cause color shifting, tracing, distortions, and scenery slicing.

Emotional Enhancement

Another commonly reported effect of 1B-LSD is emotional enhancement. Users frequently describe feeling a deep sense of empathy and emotional openness while under the influence of the substance. This emotional enhancement may lead to increased bonding with others and introspective moments that help people understand their emotions better. Many users also report feelings of love, compassion, and connection with nature and the universe, which may contribute to a profound sense of well-being and personal growth. For some, this aspect of the 1B-LSD experience is therapeutic and provides valuable insights into their emotional landscape.

Physical Euphoria

Physical euphoria is another effect often cited in user reviews of 1B-LSD. Users describe sensations of pleasure and relaxation throughout their body, with some likening the feeling to a gentle, warm embrace. This physical euphoria can be accompanied by a sense of lightness, making users feellikeh they are floating or moving effortlessly. For some, this sensation also manifests as waves of pleasure that seem to radiate from within, adding to the overall enjoyment of the 1B-LSD experience. The physical euphoria experienced while using 1B-LSD may be particularly enticing for those seeking a more sensual, body-focused psychedelic journey.

Anticlimax (“Comedown”)

The comedown from 1B-LSD is typically gradual and gentle, with most users reporting a return to baseline within 8 to 12 hours. Users may feel physically and mentally fatigued after the experience but should return to normal functioning within a day or two.

Potential Side Effects of 1B-LSD

Like all psychedelic substances, the 1B-LSD research chemical carries the potential for side effects. While many users report positive experiences, it’s essential to be aware of the possible risks and to use the substance responsibly.

  • Nausea and gastrointestinal discomfort
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Paranoia and delusions
  • Difficulty concentrating and memory impairment
  • Insomnia and restlessness
  • Dilated pupils and increased sensitivity to light
  • Muscle tension and tremors
  • Dehydration and dry mouth
  • HPPD (Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder)is– a rare but possible side effect where users experience visual disturbances after the substance has worn off.

If you experience severe side effects, call emergency services and seek medical attention. As always, your safety is the most important factor. It’s best to have a trusted friend nearby if you attempt to take any novel substances and remember to practice harm reduction strategies for the safest possible experience.

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