CBN is soaring in popularity with potential benefits set to make life better for rest seekers.
This non-psychotropic cannabinoid is widely deemed safe, and is worth looking into if you want the perks of cannabis without the impending high as it weakly binds to CB1 and CB2 receptors. This means it will not get you high like THC – though this is not why most use it.
Rather, CBN is used for its sedative effects, hence its nickname, The Sleepy Cannabinoid.
But what is CBN? What does CBN do? And why is there such great hype surrounding it?
To begin, CBN is a cannabinoid, and one of over a hundred that occurs in cannabis plants.
CBD and THC are the popular ones most know of but CBN is climbing the ranks of coveted cannabis compounds as research shows its potential therapeutic benefits to be immense.
Fun Fact: CBN is the first identified cannabinoid and the first to be isolated from cannabis.
Unlike Tetrahydrocannabidiol, Cannabinol does not cause psychoactive effects.
Yes, this means it will not get you high, nor will it alter your mind or mental clarity.
Though we will say some studies show it to be mildly psychotropic in large doses.
On this note, let us cover the many uses and benefits this cannabinoid has to offer.
CBN – Uses and Benefits
CBN is said to be a weaker form of THC as it forms from the degradation of aging cannabis plants; a break down process that yields a milder, less potent cannabinoid known as CBN.
And it is milder by a great degree – many claim its sedative effects are 25% of those of THC.
But unlike the more popular cannabinoid known as CBD, which is not psychoactive or high-inducing, CBN can indeed have a mild yet noticeable effect on mental clarity and function when taken in very large doses. One thing to know, though, is it has not been studied as much as cannabinoids like CBD and THC so its benefits are not fully known.
Yet there has been CBN studies where it was given to animals in controlled environments.
And based on the results and findings of said research, many experts say CBN can help to:
Induce tiredness, most who use CBN products say it helps them to fall asleep faster, this aligns with current research which shows cannabinol to have sedative-causing properties.
Relieve pain and tension, CBN relieved joint and muscle pain in a study of rats that were given it. This study also learned pain relief from CBN is enhanced by the presence of CBD.
Preserve brain health/function, in one study, it was learned CBN may delay the onset of issues like ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis); a disease that inimically effects brain cells.
How Can You Use CBN?
What ways can CBN be used?
And how can CBN be consumed?
CBN is newer to the scene and has not been around and available to the public for as long as cannabinoids like CBD, but even so, it grew in demand, and made way into many forms and products that make it easy and pleasing to enjoy, no matter your preference of intake!
Let us have a look at some of the CBN products a person may be able to get in the market:
- Oils.
- Pills.
- Edibles.
- Lotions.
- Patches.
- Creams.
- Tea bags.
- Tinctures.
- Capsules.
- Gummies.
- Shampoo.
- Vape pens.
- CBN isolate.
Cannabinol and CBD are sibling cannabinoids.
And they share a few traits and commonalities.
For one, both are chemicals of the cannabis plant.
Second, each engage the endocannabinoid system.
And thirdly, they come in many forms and products.
But their effects can greatly differ, as detailed below.
Quick Facts:
CBN and CBD are cannabinoids that naturally occur in cannabis plants, but do not let this mislead you to thinking their effects are similar as they can affect the body in unique ways.
Research shows CBD to be effective at addressing pain, anxiety, and seizures, while early studies show CBN to be helpful in treating pain, stimulating appetite, and improving sleep.
CBN and CBD can pose risks or side effects like any drug or compound, but with the risks of CBN not being fully known, it is best to talk to a doctor prior to taking it for the first time.
How are CBN and CBD different?
These compounds may come from the same plant, but their unique interactions with the endocannabinoid system results in them bringing effects to users that are all but similar.
Here we shall have a look at the main things that set Cannabinol and Cannabidiol apart:
- CBD is highly studied while cannabinol is newer and not as extensively researched.
- Research shows cannabidiol to be more effective than CBN at ridding pain/anxiety.
- CBD and CBN are shown to enhance sleep – but CBN is said to be the better option.
What is the Endocannabinoid System?
The ECS is a complex, cell-signaling network of receptors and molecules, and ones tied to the central nervous system. And it is these receptors that regulate various functions in the body, such as mood, sleep, and digestion, and it was only thirty or so years ago when it was first found by researchers who, at the time, were studying the effects THC had in the body.
And believe it or not, scientists are still learning how the endocannabinoid system works to this very day, although, a few things are for sure certain, and that is it can affect things like:
- Mood.
- Sleep.
- Fertility.
- Memory.
- Appetite.
Within this system, which is made of enzymes and receptors and endocannabinoids, two main receptors exist. You likely heard of them already but we will cover them just in case:
CB1 Receptors, this one is most studied and abundant in the central nervous system. And it can induce euphoria or intoxicating feels when engaged by THC, but if engaged by CBN or CBD, a person will be able to relax more easily, and without the high that comes from THC.
CB2 Receptors, these peripheral receptors have therapeutic, anti-inflammatory attributes when bonded to by cannabinoids like CBN and CBD. These receptors do not induce a high like THC which makes cannabinoids that strongly bind to them attractive to medical users.
Possible Sleep and Health Benefits of CBN
Research on the therapeutic benefits of cannabinol is preliminary and in the early stages, but with cannabinoids like CBD showing promising potential, CBN is trailing its coat tails, and is being studied, more and more, by researchers who say it can help treat issues like:
Insomnia, of all things scientists learned about this cannabinoid, one of the most exciting is its ability to induce sleepiness, and longer nights of revitalizing rest. These results come from a study of rats who took it, yet CBN users usually report drowsiness soon after doses.
Infections, this versatile cannabinoid likely has more benefits in store than we know, and one that has scientists enthralled is its ability to combat bacteria. This was shown in one study where CBN treated MRSA. This is a BIG deal as this infection is antibiotic-resistant!
Chronic pain, based on what little research has been done on CBN, scientists claim it has analgesic properties that can relieve pain at the receptor level. CBN does this by targeting capsaicin-sensitive neurons, which, when engaged, may help reduce pain and discomfort.
Inflammation, like the infamous cannabinoid known as CBD, it seems CBN has properties that can reduce inflammation. There is more to learn on how cannabinol achieves this, but based on prefatory findings, it looks to be compound that can cure inflammatory diseases.
Anorexia/Cachexia, one thing that sets CBN apart from CBD is that it enhances appetite instead of suppressing it. For those who struggle with anorexia, cachexia, or other issues that cause involuntary weight loss, CBN can be a therapeutic way to put on some pounds.
Cancer, like some other cannabinoids, cannabinol is shown to have cancer-fighting traits. In fact, some say it may slow the growth or stop the spread of cancer cells entirely. And in one case, cannabinol was even able to reduce the size of a tumor in a lung cancer patient.
Epilepsy, of all the therapeutic benefits it may have, the ability to treat epilepsy is one of the most exciting to researchers. We say this as while its anti-convulsant properties are not as strong as those of CBD or THC, studies show it helps to reduce epileptic episodes.
Bone growth and healing, CBN is not only praised for its rest-inducing properties but for its ability to enhance bone growth and health. If a person has a fractured bone or faces a condition that cause bone loss or fragility, CBN is a cannabinoid that is worth looking into.
Final Thoughts on CBN
CBN is the first cannabinoid to be isolated from the cannabis plant but only in recent times has it begun to be studied to great extent. Of course, there is still much to learn about how it works to bring the effects it does, but for those with daily pain or nightly sleep issues, and especially those who have built a tolerance to CBD, CBN is a cannabinoid worth trying out!