Is Kratom Legal?


So what is Kratom?

Where can it be bought?

And is Kratom legal to buy?

If you have asked these questions – as many do – you are at the right place as, in this guide, we share a list of countries where Kratom is legal for use and purchase!

This tropical tree has magical and stimulating effects and famously originates from Southeast Asia where our ancestors used it for ages to reap its wellness and elevating traits – and to this day – it remains widely used and popular despite not being legal in all countries; this is little surprise given its potential benefits!

At the time of writing, the below list is current and accurate, though legislation may change at any time:

  • Albania, legal as this country has not labeled it a controlled substance.
  • Andorra, there is currently no legal or regulatory status on this plant.
  • Austria, legal as this country has not labeled it a controlled substance.
  • Belarus, not legal as Kratom is listed as a banned narcotic drug and prohibited psychoactive substance, as deemed by the Republic of Belarus in 2003 with their passing of Decree No. 26.
  • Belgium, legal as this country has not labeled it a controlled substance.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina, legal as this country has not labeled it a controlled substance.
  • Bulgaria, Kratom is illegal as it was banned in 2011 when classified a narcotic plant and substance.
  • Croatia, Kratom is not legal given its main ingredient is mitragynine, however, the state does not deem personal use of it a criminal act and will instead impose a financial fee to a person caught using it.
  • Czech Republic, Kratom is legal as it has not been labeled a controlled substance; it is, however, in the process of being regulated by the State.
  • Denmark, mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine are terpene alkaloids found in Kratom, and with each being deemed a controlled substance, Kratom is not legal to use or possess given the passing of Executive Order 174 Amending Act on Euphoric Substances.  The only time Kratom can be legally used is if the Danish Medicine Company grants permission to a person, company, or laboratory for research or special purposes.
  • Estonia, this country banned 7-hydroxy mitragynine – an alkaloid found in Kratom – so it is not legal to use or buy.
  • Finland, named a psychoactive substance in the Decree on Prohibited Psychoactive Substances, Kratom is not legal, however, people caught using or possessing it are not criminally prosecuted.
  • France, mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine are alkaloids in Kratom deemed illicit and psychotropic substances, as such, Kratom is not legal here.
  • Germany, Kratom is not listed under the German Narcotics Act nor does the Medicinal Products Act list it as a controlled substance, however, for it to be legally sold by a manufacturer, the labeling must state it is not for human consumption.
  • Greece, legal as this country has not labeled it a controlled substance.
  • Hungary, legal as this country has not labeled it a controlled substance.
  • Iceland, deemed a controlled substance, Kratom may not be used, sold, or imported or possessed under the Medicinal Products Act of 1993 and 1994.
  • Ireland, the main alkaloids in Kratom – mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine – were banned with the passing of the Statutory Instrument on the Misuse of Drugs, which has made Kratom illegal to use and buy in this country since 2017.
  • Italy, Kratom is not legal here as mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine – the main active ingredients that naturally occur in Kratom – are listed as narcotic, psychotropic substances unsafe for human use.
  • Kosovo, legal as this country has not labeled it a controlled substance.
  • Latvia, Kratom is illegal here as the alkaloids found in it – mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine – are listed as psychoactive substances under Regulation 847 that labels them narcotics.
  • Liechtenstein, no info can be found on the legal status of Kratom here so those who want to use it here should use caution as the punishment for being caught with it is unknown.
  • Lithuania, Kratom, and extracts from it, are not legal here as they are narcotic and psychotropic substances in the eyes of the State and regulatory authorities.
  • Luxembourg, Kratom contains mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine, and with each of these deemed narcotic and psychotropic substances, it is not legal for people to use, buy, or possess.
  • Malta, legal as this country has not labeled it a controlled substance.
  • Moldova, this country lists Kratom as a narcotic, and as a banned substance with no medical purpose.
  • Monaco, no info on the legal status of Kratom is known so those in this country who use it, as well as those who want to use it, should be cautious.
  • Montenegro, legal as this country has not labeled it a controlled substance.
  • Netherlands, legal as this country has not labeled it a controlled substance.
  • North Macedonia, legal as this country has not labeled it a controlled substance.
  • Norway, it is a criminal offense to use Kratom here as the main alkaloids in – mitragynine and 7-hydroxyKratom – have been classified as banned and controlled substances.
  • Poland, Kratom is illegal as it is considered a narcotic drug with addictive properties.
  • Portugal, Kratom may not be legally used here as the natural compounds in it are deemed psychoactive.
  • Romania, this country banned and prohibited the use and possession of Kratom in 2010 with its passing of a new law amendment.
  • Russia, illegal since 2011 as Kratom contains a banned terpenoid indole alkaloid known as mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine.
  • Serbia, Kratom has been illegal here since its ban in 2022.
  • Slovakia, this country passed the Act of Narcotic Substances and Psychotropic Substances and Preparations Act, which has made Kratom illegal since its passing in 1998.
  • Slovenia, illegal as it is deemed an illicit and psychoactive substance by regulatory authorities.
  • Spain, legal as it is not deemed a controlled substance.
  • Sweden, under Regulation 1992:155, Kratom is not legal as it contains mitragynine, although, it may be imported by those who use it to manufacture soap.
  • Switzerland, Kratom is illegal given the passing of the 2017 Narcotics Act.
  • Turkey, Kratom has been illegal here for over ten years since the passing of Decree 2013/5742, which labeled the plant a banned, psychoactive substance not safe for human consumption.
  • Ukraine, legal as this country has not deemed Kratom a controlled substance.
  • United Kingdom, Kratom is illegal here as they passed the Psychoactive Substances Act in 2016.

As said above, this list is current, and accurately reflects the countries where Kratom is legal.  However, keep an eye on laws and legislation as some can change while new ones may go into effect any moment. We at ExpressHighs thank you for visiting our guide and invite you to view our blog for other guides and topics you will surely find insightful!  And if you ever have any questions – feel free to reach us any time!

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