La cultura

Microdosing is becoming a household name among most cannabis enthusiasts. Microdosing cannabis involves taking small amounts of THC to experience the effects subtly. But is micro dosing effective for you? Let’s find out in this article How...
Marijuana is gaining a lot of interest among many due to its varied effects. While some people claim that it helps with symptoms of cancer, while others claim it does not affect them. But which of...

Caffè alla cannabis

Cannabis and coffee may seem like two impossible combinations, but do you know that it's very beneficial? According to several studies, there are several...

Storia della cannabis e cultura

La cannabis esiste da molti anni in varie culture del mondo. Nell'antichità veniva utilizzata per scopi medicinali, religiosi e spirituali. In alcune parti del...

Cannabis e religione

L'uso della cannabis è stato intrecciato con cerimonie e rituali religiosi per secoli. In particolare, i rastafariani hanno usato a lungo la cannabis per...

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Che cos’è l’H4CBD?