What is 1b-lsd?


Short for 1-butanoyl-LSD, 1B-LSD is a research chemical that is used by some people despite it not being approved for human use.  The risks of this compound are still being studied as very little is known about its short and long-term effects but we do know it is potent as many say its effects closely mimic those of traditional LSD.  This makes sense as the drug belongs to the lysergamide group, as does LSD, so we can say it is a psychoactive chemical that is capable of affecting and stimulating the central nervous system.

This chemical can also be called a prodrug (a compound that converts into another drug upon entry into the bloodstream) as it can transform into LSD, which can cause psychotropic, trip-like effects as a result.

History and Overview of 1B-LSD

Unlike LSD, which has been around over eighty years and widely studied by scientists, 1B-LSD is a newer chemical and lysergamide with risks and effects not fully understood as little scientific research on it has been carried out.  Due to this and the lack of 1B-LSD clinical trials – those who take it expose themselves to unknown risks and dangers as there has yet to be a study that concluded on its effects with certainty.

How Does 1B-LSD Work?

How exactly it works remains a mystery until further research on this chemical is done yet most agree it works similar to LSD.  As such, 1B-LSD likely produces the effects it does by engaging serotonin receptors in the brain which can cause effects like illusions or altered moods and perceptions that last many hours.

1B-LSD Side Effects

Like with most chemicals and compounds of this nature – symptoms and side effects are to be expected.

And 1B-LSD is no exception as while little research on it is available we do know it can cause effects like:

  • Altered Time Perception, many who take it say time seems to pass more slowly.
  • Euphoria, most say 1B-LSD can invite lovely feelings of joy and bliss that traverse the senses.
  • Altered perception, it can make environments more vibrant, intense, and deeply meaningful.
  • Becoming one with nature, some report feeling close to nature and the ethers of the universe.
  • Anxiety, some report paranoia and stress-inducing thoughts but this may be due to large doses.
  • Hallucinations, being a cousin of LSD, 1B-LSD can cause intense, visual and auditory hallucinations.
  • Enhanced creativity, many artists and musicians say 1B-LSD makes for more creative work sessions.
  • Meaningful introspection, this compound can cause deep thoughts and other-worldly perspectives.

1B-LSD – Onset and Duration of Effects

How soon its effects are felt can vary from one person to the next based on many factors.

But for most people, the effects of 1B-LST are often felt within thirty minutes of ingestion.

However, there are cases where users say an hour or more passed before feeling anything.

In terms of its peak in the bloodstream – this will occur four to six hours after taking a dose.

As such, the effects and euphoria 1B-LSD can deliver may persist for ten to fourteen hours!

And with a come-down-like feeling that could leave a person feeling groggy the entire day.

1B-LSD – Suggested Dosage Guidelines

  • A low dose of 1B-LSD, or twenty-five to seventy-five micrograms, will cause subtle yet noticeable changes to mood and visual perception – this is usually the dose size first-time users report taking.
  • A moderate dose of 1B-LSD, or seventy-five to a hundred and fifty milligrams, will yield enhanced, visual and auditory effects that are more prominent but with side effects that can be more severe.
  • A high dose of 1B-LSD, or doses over a hundred and fifty milligrams, are unsafe and can cause very harsh effects and hallucinations that linger for hours; such a dose is only taken by the experienced.

1B-LSD – Risk, Harm, and Side Effect Reduction

To begin, let us make clear it is not safe to mix psychoactive substances as this can cause intense effects, and even medical emergencies in severe cases.  However – despite the risks of taking psychoactive drugs in tandem, there is no shortage of people out there who commonly do, and with a range of compounds!

Never do we condone or support the mixing of psychotropic chemicals/substances – but for informative purposes – here are the most popular substances people mix with 1B-LSD, and their associated risks too:

  • 1B-LSD and Nitrous Oxide, this blend can intensify disorientation and dissociative effects as well.
  • 1B-LSD and DMT, like alcohol, DMT can heighten disorientation and the psychedelic trip to come.
  • 1B-LSD and GBL, this concoction amplifies trippy feels but while raising the risk of health issues too.
  • 1B-LSD and NBOMe, this will only worsen side effects so never should these two be taken together.
  • 1B-LSD and Methamphetamine, this is risky as the cardiovascular system will undergo severe stress.
  • 1B-LSD and Caffeine, this can enhance alertness while enhancing and energizing stimulatory effects.
  • 1B-LSD and Alcohol, this can cause disorientation and a reliance or addition to alcohol consumption.
  • 1B-LSD and MDMA, this will intensify the psychedelic trip but while elevating the risk of side effects.
  • 1B-LSD and GHB, anxiety, paranoia, and disorientation are some of the effects this blend may inflict.
  • 1B-LSD and Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI), this will reduce the effects of 1B-LSD, and in turn, make the experience an unpredictable one, as such, 1B-LSD and SSRIs should not be taken together.
  • 1B-LSD and THC, tetrahydrocannabinol will enhance the psychedelic experience, but at the expense of inviting issues likes anxiety and paranoia.
  • 1B-LSD and MAO inhibitors (MAOi), similar to SSR inhibitors, an MAOi reduces the effects of 1B-LSD and makes it hard to anticipate the effects to come.
  • 1B-LSD and Cocaine, this is a very dangerous duo as cocaine can cause the heart to rapidly beat, which in turn, raises the risk of severe issues like a heart attack.
  • 1B-LSD and Opioids, the risk of overdose and respiratory depression is high with this one so these are not two compounds a health-mindful person should take.
  • 1B-LSD and Psilocybin Mushrooms, taking these two together will intensify hallucinations, and may cause a person to see, feel, or hear things that are not real.
  • 1B-LSD and Benzodiazepines, this can enhance or intensify the effects of 1B-LSD but also the side effects too, some report uncontrolled anger and increased aggression.
  • 1B-LSD and Ketamine, this is a very dangerous combo no person should try as it can, and likely will, cause highly intense side effects no person looking for a good time will enjoy.
  • 1B-LSD and Tramadol, this is not a safe duo as it can issues like serotonin syndrome; a potentially life-threatening issue caused by excess levels of serotonin in the body.

We thank you for visiting this guide on 1B-LSD and hope you got the answers you came here to find.

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