Dechloroetizolam Review


If you’re interested in learning about a powerful research chemical that can produce intense effects, Dechloroetizolam, also known as DCE, is worth a look. This substance, which is part of the benzodiazepine family, is known for its potent anxiolytic (calming) and sedative properties, making it popular among researchers and recreational users alike. But what exactly is Dechloroetizolam, and what are its potential risks and benefits? In this article, we’ll explore the history, dosage information, administration methods, effects, and more.

General Information on Dechloroetizolam

Let’s begin our research chemical review with some general information about this drug. Dechloroetizolam is a research chemical that belongs to the benzodiazepine family, which includes popular drugs like Xanax and Valium. It’s an artificial compound that was first made in the 1970s as a possible treatment for anxiety and similar conditions. Like other benzodiazepines, Dechloroetizolam works by increasing the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that regulates brain activity.

History of Dechloroetizolam

Next in our Dechloroetizolam review, we’ll cover the drug’s interesting history. DCE has a relatively short history, having been around since the 1970s. A research team looking for a treatment for anxiety and related conditions first made the drug. The compound was initially tested on animals. Researchers found that it had potent anxiolytic (calming) and sedative effects. These findings led to testing in humans, where Dechloroetizolam was found to be effective in treating anxiety, insomnia, and seizures.

In 2017, several United Nations countries put this drug on controlled substance lists, effectively taking it out of the “legal highs” category. Nevertheless, since 2020, mentions of this drug on online forums have spiked tremendously. In many countries, including Canada, it’s not a controlled substance. Even though DCE pills and other benzodiazepine varieties aren’t all legal drugs, they’re still popular.

Dosage and Administration

The DCE research chemical can be taken in several different ways, including oral administration, nasal insufflation, vaporization, and suppository. The appropriate dosage and method of administration will depend on the individual user’s needs and the purpose of the research.

Oral Administration

Oral administration is the most common method of administering the DCE research chemical. This method involves swallowing the substance in pill form, normally with water or another drink. The effects of oral administration can take 30 minutes to several hours to manifest, depending on the dose and individual metabolism.

Nasal Insufflation

This practice involves inhaling Dechloroetizolam powder through the nose. It produces a faster onset of effects, normally within minutes of inhaling the powder.


Vaporization involves heating the Dechloroetizolam substance to a vaporizing temperature, allowing it to be inhaled through a vaporizer or other device. This method of administration can produce a faster onset of effects, typically within minutes of inhaling the vapor.


Dechloroetizolam can also be taken through a suppository, which involves inserting a medication into the rectum. This method of administration can produce a longer duration of effects but may not be as fast-acting as other methods.


Users should be cautious when redosing Dechloroetizolam, and this practice is not advised. Overuse can lead to adverse side effects and potential health issues. Using the substance responsibly is essential to lower the risk of possible side effects.

User Dechloroetizolam Reviews

Dechloroetizolam reviews vary, with some users reporting favorable experiences and others reporting negative side effects. Also, this designer drug is so novel that there are few user reports. Overall, users report feeling relaxed after taking the substance, with some experiencing a pleasant euphoria. Some users also report feeling more sociable after taking Dechloroetizolam, making it a popular substance for social situations and gatherings. Let’s explore user findings in more detail below.

Onset of Effects

As with other drugs, the onset of Dechloroetizolam effects depends on the method of administration and other factors. Oral administration takes several hours to produce effects. On the other hand, nasal insufflation and vaporization only take a few minutes. Suppository administration can take longer but may produce a longer-lasting experience.

Relaxation and Calmness

One of the first effects users may notice is a sense of relaxation. The DCE research chemical is known for producing a calming effect. Users describe this as a sense of calm and relief from anxiety. This occurs because the drug acts on the brain’s GABA receptors, which regulate the body’s stress response. By boosting GABA receptor activity, Dechloroetizolam fosters a feeling of relaxation in the user.


There’s a chance that the DCE research chemical gives users a sense of intense pleasure, happiness, and well-being, also known as euphoria. This effect is thought to occur due to the drug’s ability to increase dopamine activity in the brain, which is associated with feelings of reward and pleasure.

While some users may experience a rush of euphoria shortly after taking the drug, note that this effect may not be experienced by all users. Some may only feel calm and sleepy.


The soothing effect of Dechloroetizolam can benefit people who struggle with insomnia or other sleep-related conditions. It can help them fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling more rested.

Anticlimax (“Comedown”)

Dechloroetizolam has a relatively short duration of effects, typically lasting between 4-8 hours, depending on the dose and individual metabolism. After the effects wear off, users may experience a comedown characterized by fatigue, irritability, and anxiety.

Potential Side Effects of Dechloroetizolam

Like all benzodiazepines, Dechloroetizolam carries a risk of potential side effects. These side effects can include dizziness, confusion, impaired coordination, and memory loss. In some cases, Dechloroetizolam can also cause anxiety, aggression, or agitation. Long-term use of Dechloroetizolam can also lead to dependence. So, it’s critical to use the substance responsibly and under the advice of a medical professional.

  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Impaired coordination
  • Memory loss
  • Paradoxical reactions
  • Tolerance
  • Dependence

Anyone who chooses to use Dechloroetizolam should practice harm-reduction tactics. These include starting with a low dose, not mixing with other substances, and getting medical attention if unwelcome side effects happen. Have a trusted friend or family member nearby while under the influence, and never drive while using Dechloroetizolam. By practicing harm reduction techniques, users can minimize the risks and negative effects of using this research chemical.

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