3-HO-PCE Review


Despite its growing popularity, there’s still limited information available about 3-HO-PCE, including its history, dosage information, user experience, and side effects. We do know that it’s a dissociative drug in the arylcyclohexylamine class.

In this article, we’ll provide an overview of 3-HO-PCE by exploring its origins, chemical properties, and effects on the human body. We’ll also look at current research on 3-HO-PCE (3-HO for short) and discuss the potential risks of using it, including potential side effects and long-term health effects.

By providing a comprehensive overview of 3-HO-PCE, we hope to provide education on this drug about its potential benefits and risks to help you make informed decisions about its use and avoid harm.

General Information on 3-HO-PCE

To start our 3-HO-PCE review, we’ll cover general information. This is a relatively new and poorly understood drug, and its effects and risks are still being studied. The 3-HO research chemical is a dissociative drug and, as mentioned, it’s a member of the arylcyclohexylamine (ACH) class. This drug class contains psychoactive substances and affects NMDA brain receptors.

Chemically, a research chemical review of 3-HO-PCE shows that it’s similar to other dissociative drugs like ketamine and PCP. However, it has its own unique set of effects and risks. Like other dissociatives, 3-HO-PCE can cause feelings of dissociation from your body and surroundings, as well as feelings of euphoria and changed perceptions of time and space.

History of 3-HO-PCE

3-HO-PCE was first created in the early 2010s by a team of researchers at a pharmaceutical company called Boehringer Ingelheim. At the time, researchers were investigating the effects of arylcyclohexylamines (psychoactive drugs) on the human body. They sought to develop new compounds with unique pharmacological properties.

Initially, 3-HO-PCE wasn’t intended for recreational use. Instead, it was used in laboratory settings for research purposes. However, as information about its effects spread, 3-HO-PCE began to gain popularity among the research chemical community as a novel dissociative drug with unique effects.

Since emerging in the research chemical market, 3-HO-PCE has been used recreationally by some people looking for dissociative and euphoric effects. However, due to its relative novelty and limited scientific research, much remains unknown about its effects and potential risks. For those seeking legal highs, they may need to keep looking, as this drug may either be in a legal gray area or downright illegal, depending on the country.

In recent years, 3-HO-PCE has gained attention from drug policy experts who deal with illegal or legal drugs and are concerned about the potential health risks of this particular drug. Some experts have called for increased research into the drug’s effects and greater public awareness about its potential risks and harms.

Dosage and Administration

Dosage information for 3-HO-PCE is limited as it’s not a widely studied drug. As with any research chemical or psychoactive substance, it’s essential to use caution. Start with a low dose to assess your tolerance and response.

Based on stories from users, typical doses of 3-HO-PCE range from 5 to 30 milligrams (mg), taken orally or nasally. These doses produce moderate effects. Higher doses produce more intense and even overwhelming effects.

Notably, individual tolerance and sensitivity to 3-HO-PCE can vary widely. There’s no established safe or effective dose range for the drug. Additionally, 3-HO-PCE hasn’t been studied extensively in humans. So, its long-term effects on physical and mental health are not well understood.

Due to the limited information available on 3-HO-PCE, it’s recommended to start with a low dose and to use extreme caution when increasing the dose or frequency. It’s also essential to follow harm reduction practices when using 3-HO-PCE or any other psychoactive substance. Harm reduction techniques include purity testing, avoiding mixing drugs, and keeping a trusted friend or support system nearby during use.

User 3-HO-PCE Reviews

Based on anecdotal reports from users, below are some common themes that have emerged regarding the subjective effects of 3-HO-PCE.

Dissociative Effects

Users report feeling a sense of dissociation from their bodies and surroundings. Some describe feeling “floaty” or “disconnected.” However, some users report that it’s the mildest sense of dissociation they’ve experienced as far as dissociative drugs go.


Many users report feeling a sense of euphoria or pleasure, which may be part of what makes 3-HO-PCE appealing for recreational use. Some users noticed they experienced pleasant thoughts about the present and past. Happy memories came to mind for some users. The mind seems to float separate from the body and becomes free of worries, cares, and, eventually, thoughts.

Long Duration

The effects of 3-HO-PCE are reported to last longer than other dissociatives. In fact, some users report effects lasting up to 8 hours or more. Nasally or intravenously taken drugs have shorter durations than if the drug was taken orally.

Visual and Auditory Distortion

Some users report experiencing altered perceptions of color, sound, and other sensory input. One user described the visual distortion as looking through thick glass. Sound hallucinations or changes in volume may occur.

Onset of Effects

The onset of effects from 3-HO-PCE varies depending on your metabolism, the dose size, and the route of administration. Based on user stories, onset can range from 10 minutes to an hour after ingestion. During that initial hour after ingestion, the effects become more noticeable.

When taken orally, the onset of effects is generally a bit slower. Users report effects becoming noticeable after 30 minutes to an hour. Nasal administration has a faster onset of effects, with users reporting effects becoming noticeable within 10-15 minutes.

Potential Side Effects of 3-HO-PCE

Here are some potential side effects of 3-HO-PCE use:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Respiratory depression
  • Hallucinations or altered perceptions of reality
  • Psychological distress or anxiety
  • Loss of coordination or motor control
  • Impaired judgment or decision-making abilities
  • Memory impairment or amnesia
  • Insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns
  • Increased risk of accidents or injury due to impaired judgment or coordination

It’s crucial and time-sensitive to contact emergency services if you experience severe side effects after taking 3-HO-PCE. Inform them of your method of administration and dosage information so they can provide the best support.

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